As you may know, this is the CCCC’s 50th year. To help celebrate this anniversary, we’re holding a competition to design a club T-shirt marking the occasion.
To enter the competition, simply send an e-mail to with your design by 4th August (2 MB max attachment please). You don’t have to be a member to enter. If you’re feeling lazy, you can just send me a caption or link to a club photo, or both. There’s no limit on the number of entries per person, so if you can’t decide on which idea to submit, why not submit them all? :-)
Once the 4th August closing date has passed, all the entries will be posted here and voting will begin. Votes will be cast by email, again to me, one vote per person. The design with the most votes by the voting deadline wins. The winner gets the prestige of knowing they are the winner, plus we might throw in their t-shirt for free. :-)
We’ll then take orders for T-shirts displaying the winning design, all to be handed out well in advance of the annual dinner. We’re not sure exactly which company we’ll use to print the T-shirts yet, but at a minimum they’ll be good quality technical (“wicking”) T-shirts.
So what are you waiting for? Time to exercise those creative juices! :-)
First designs are in and the deadline is extended till Monday 11 August.
The submissions are now closed. Email your votes to
We have a winner! The Design #9 has received the most votes. Congratulations!