

Nick and Paul enjoying gritstone climbing at Birchen, Derbyshire.

The club organizes monthly climbing trips which take us to various places across the UK, and sometimes abroad. These usually last a weekend; from from Friday night to Sunday night (check the Calendar page for the current schedule). During the week, members generally meet up at local climbing walls or at the pub. Additionally, members often organize unofficial trips.

Wednesday is club climbing night, and club members can usually be found at the Kelsey Kerridge (KK) climbing wall. We’re there from about 8pm, followed by a pint at the Elm Tree from about 10pm (ask at the bar). If you’re looking for more information about the club or would like to meet a few members (climbers or cavers), this is the ideal time!

Sometimes members climb at other walls, such as Harlow and Milton Keynes, for roped/lead climbing. These walls are about an hour drive away, but outings are often organised by club members.

You don’t need to be a member of the club to climb at the KK or join us at the pub. So just drop in on a Wednesday and ask for the the 4C’s!

Climbing Experience

The club welcomes members of all abilities and experience. If you’re already a climber, it’s a great place to meet people, gather a carload, and get out of Cambridge to more vertical terrain. If you’re a new climber, it’s a great way to get an introduction to the sport.

New to Climbing?


Charles on Hydro at Craig y Don, North Wales

If you are new to climbing, or would like to give it a go, joining a club is an excellent way to start. The 4C’s has a strong tradition of mentoring new climbers. Most people learn by climbing with others and gradually building up their skills and experience.

If you would like to try climbing, drop by the wall or the pub on a Wednesday. You don’t have to be a member to climb, and club members at the wall or the pub will be happy to talk about the club, and climbing indoors and out. Ask people a for the 4C’s or the city climbing club, and you shouldn’t have any trouble finding us.

If you would like to go on a weekend trip with us, you must become a member.

The CCCC is affiliated with the BMC and subscribes to its participation statement:

“The BMC recognises that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions and involvement”


The club doesn’t keep any climbing equipment. However, if you need something for a trip it’s more than likely that extra equipment can be found amongst members. Contact someone in the club/committee.


Mark and Jenny on the Dream of White Horses, Gogarth.

To try out climbing indoors, all you need are close fitting trainers and comfortable/stretchy clothes. If you intend to keep climbing indoors or out, getting a pair of climbing shoes is recommended. A chalk bag for drying hands is also a useful investment.

For climbing outside, you will need a harness, a belay device, and if possible a helmet. Other necessary equipment (ropes and gear) can usually be provided by your partner while you’re still experimenting with the sport.

There are 2 shops in Cambridge that sell climbing equipment: Open Air and Cotswold Outdoors.



Gerard leading Goat Track Gully at Coire an t’Sneachda, Scotland.

Weekend trips are usually based at campsites in good climbing areas. In winter though, we tend to stay in mountaineering huts, which provide basic bunk accommodation and cooking facilities at around £10-£20 per person per night.

Feel free to get in touch with the climbing secretary for queries about upcoming trips, or any other questions you may have.